What is God?


May 19, 2022

What I have is this: A wonder that arises from such deep intimacy with the world that the only sane reaction is to admit both how much and how little I know.

I know the English language and facts about neutrinos.

I know how to cook an egg.

I know what colors look like to me, and I know I’ll never really know what they look like to you.

I know that knowing is just a plaything and being is what counts.

And if I could offer the world one thing, it would be this: hope.

A reminder of all the beauty and wonder and things we cannot explain.

A reminder that through acknowledging all that we don’t know, it’s easier to love and harder to hate.

So while you’re out doing whatever it is you’re doing, I’ll be here, being intimate and wondering and seeing beauty and magic and something called God in everything.

What is God? I wondered in a dream.

And the man sitting across from me said: God is greatness.

God is greatness.

And all that connection you see? That’s God’s greatness in you.

Virginia Mason Richardson

I am a writer, illustrator, and designer with over twenty years of experience, including 9+ years creating custom (no-template) Squarespace designs.


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